新的電腦安裝 Windows XP 過程, 常會出現找不到硬碟的訊息, 這是因為SATA的硬碟控制卡 Windows XP 不認得, 過去可以用軟體片在安裝時先載入驅動程式,但現在除了軟碟少用外, 而且多數廠商也沒提供驅動程式。 解決方法是進入 BIOS, 把 AHCI mode 關閉或轉成 IDE mode, 如此在安裝 Windows XP 的過程就找得到硬碟了
Wow ! I am fortunate that I found this article. You have explained all the steps to install windows XP. By following all these steps one can easily perform this task. Thank you! digital signature PDF
Wow ! I am fortunate that I found this article. You have explained all the steps to install windows XP. By following all these steps one can easily perform this task. Thank you!
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