
2010年1月29日 星期五

Likewise Open Setup

Likewise Open is the Linux software. It provide Linux to join Active Domain function. That will get AD accounts.

Document web site

2010年1月28日 星期四

VMware ESXi Guide - Basic Control

VMware ESXi Server 是透過 Client 程式做到遠端操作與效能監視,大致的操作方式如下:

安裝 VMware Infrastructure Client

需要透過 Client 程式才能遠端管理 ESXi Server,安裝方式是連線到遠端 Server 的 web site,如: http://"ESXi Server IP" ,點選 Download VMware Infrastructure Client 下載程式 。

How TO Use Floppy in VMware Guest PC

建立 1.44 磁碟片資料
有時 Guest PC 需要透過磁片才能載入驅動程式, 例如:安裝 WinXP, Win2000..等, 建立方法如下:
1. 關閉 Guest PC, Edit Settings (Guest PC)
2. 在 Floppy driver 中, Create new floppy image in datastore.
3. 在另一個 Guest PC 載入 floppy image , 將資料寫入
4. 回到原來 Guest PC 就可以載入 floppy image, 並讀取之

Windows Convert to VMware Guest PC

If you get bulescreen message as below.

STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005, 0x8045D9BF, 0x0000000, 0x001A0018) 
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED   Address 8045D9BF base at 80400000, Datestamp 45069e6e - ntoskrnl.exe

* You need to power off the VM, add a CD-ROM and a Floppy virtual device (assuming it's not already there)
* Download this:

* Extract it, and pull the scsiport.sys file out (should be version 5.0.2195.7059) and make it into a virtual floppy file, mount it to the virtual floppy along with a Windows 2000 iso.
* Boot the VM into recovery mode from the Windows 2000 ISO
* Copy the file off the floppy (scsiport.sys) to the %systemroot%system32drivers folder
* Reboot

Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is an offline blog edition software. You can write blog efficiently. It supports to sync Blogger, Live Space,